She17’s 2024 Wrapped

Well that was a year!

1 She17 event

1 solo set at the Stowathon in memory of Viv, at The Rose and Crown

45 songs (and counting) written and recorded as demos

We held our first event since September 2019 at Walthamstow Trades Hall on 15 June with a She17 showcase at the Art Trail featuring The Ondines, Ich bin Finn and More Peas.

She17 Art Trail show flyer with bands and times at Walthamstow Trades Hall 15 June 2024

We hope to be back there in 2025 and are awaiting imminent news for a possible International Women’s Day slot for 8 March (all subject to funding and sufficient noticeb of course)!

Otherwise Kimmi Watson is busy recording, writing and planning some new releases for the SHE17 label.

Watch this space and our socials for more on the above events and releases.

Happy Holidays!

Kimmi Watson playlist artwork mono photo  on purple background with hand white text which says The Woman Who Knew Too Much

She17 Minutes Podcast Now Live


In the current situation as we are unable to safely run and promote live events, we’ve created a nostalgic podcast, all about She17, with most episodes about 17 minutes long, reflecting on our community events and show casing some of the musicians we’ve had the pleasure of hosting. An oral and aural history project, if you like!

These episodes can be found on Podbean, Google and Apple podcasts. All are collated and narrated by Kim Watson, She17 Founder and co-creator.  See of the first four episodes details below. Click on the title to play each episode.

She17 Minutes – Episode 1: in the Beginning

A 17 minute podcast episode all about the humble beginnings of our Walthamstow based live acoustic women’s music project. Featuring a mix of live performances giving a flavour of some of the early events and some behind the scenes rehearsal footage showcasing collaboration, creativity and even a bit of comedy.

She17 Minutes – Episode 2: Practice, practice, practice! 

She17 rehearsals and arrangements from 2013 – A look behind the scenes at the practice and arrangement aspects of performing live covers. Featuring performances by Rachel Darnley-Smith, Tracy Dover, Angie Hillcoat, Lizzy Renihan, Clare Shaw, Sonic Flute, Maz Tunstall, Kim Watson and Jo Winning. 

She17 Minutes – Episode 3: 1st Birthday Nostalgia featuring Emily Barker 

A 17 minute podcast about the humble beginnings of our Walthamstow based live acoustic women’s music project. Celebrating She17’s first birthday party in style with a look back to 6 June 2014 and a 17 strong bill, headlined by Emily Barker. With music from Emily Barker, This Is Cleo and Sulk.  Collated and narrated by Kim Watson, She17 Founder and co-creator with special guest: Emily Barker

She17 Minutes – Episode 4 – Lady President in Conversation 

This extended episode focuses on the E17 all woman band Lady President, who played regularly at She17 events and other venues in London between 2014 and 2016. Rebecca Jade, Anna Shorten and Kimmi Watson share some favourite memories from their time together rehearsing, recording and performing. The Lady President songs featured in this episode can be heard at